
Do I still offer mechanic services?

One of the things that I’m asked quite a bit by a lot of people from around Luton and its surrounding areas is do I still offer mechanic services. Like many mechanics in my position, despite being trained and working as an aircraft mechanic, I’ve also worked on autos. It’s not that big of a jump to go from the various bits and pieces of an aircraft engine, to the ones found in cars. It first started off only working on my own cars, then on my sister-in-laws. Then the word got out throughout my local area that I can fix cars and everyone wanted me to have a look at this weird noise and that thing that didn’t work. It was quite a hectic time, back then. But now things are different.

Do I still offer mechanic services?

Now that I’m older, and in retirement, I no longer work as much as I did before, obviously. My back hurts quite a bit, and I my hands as well. My fingers aren’t what they used to, so I’m trying to pass on the torch to younger generations. That’s what us baby boomers are being called out for, isn’t that right. That we don’t want to leave our jobs, go into retirement and stay there.

Well I don’t want to be yelled at, and quite frankly after 40+ years on the job, I need my rest. So to answer the question, no, I no longer offer mechanic services like I did before. I will do repairs for myself, and close family and friends, like I did recently for a colleague of mine who had problems with crankshafts and propshaft joints on his tractor, nothing special. For anyone else, for anything else, you’ll need to find someone else. Sorry, like I said, I’m passing on the torch. Cheerio.